What Are Keywords and How Should I Use Them in My Resume?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Keywords are words and phrases that name essential experience, responsibilities or qualifications related to the types of jobs for which you may be applying. They appear frequently in job advertisements, posts and other listings that provide candidates with the primary duties and description of an available role. Having the right keywords on your resume makes it more visible to automated systems that sort through resumes, thereby giving you a better chance of securing an interview for a given position or company.

Select keywords for your resume by browsing want ads for positions in your field. Take note of the specific words and phrases used for job requirements. The most important keywords are typically near the beginning of job advertisements and are often listed as either required skills or not optional.

Use the ads to create a list of keywords to incorporate within your resume that includes your specific skill set and background. Make sure to cover processes you are familiar with, programs you know, specific positions you have held, and degrees or other educational accomplishments.

Focus a section of your resume specifically on your skills and include as many applicable keywords as possible. Then, pepper the rest of your resume with the keywords that don't lend themselves well to the skills section. For example, place keywords related to your education in the education section. Feel free to use important keywords more than once, but do so naturally. Your goal is for a real person to read your resume, and you want to ensure that it looks good to a human — not just a machine.




Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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